Friday, August 23, 2013

Found on eBay today, hot bidding, John Wise, Camp Roosvelt staff and DC Council Standard Camper 1936 Scout sash with merit badges.

1957 Roosevelt Staff Patch (also found on neckerchief)

NCAC Standard Camper 1944

Roosevelt 1941 Staff Neckerchief

Roosevelt 1942 Staff Neckerchief

NCAC 1944 Stabnard Camper

Monday, August 19, 2013

Camp Wilson BSA

Camp Woodrow Wilson was located at Pohick Bay, now regional park, and operated 1948-

Here's a link to more info:

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Camp Archibald Butt - Later Becomes Camp Roosevelt

Camp Archibald Butt apparently lasted about three years, and ended during World War I and Butt died on the Titanic.

November 20, 1914 ARROW

Dr. Eastman Directs Maryland Boy Scouts.

"With more than 100 scouts from Washington, Baltimore, and Fredrick in attendance,
Camp Archibald Butt, the permanent Boy Scout Camp on the Chesapeake Bay, about five
miles south of Chesapeake Beach, Maryland, was formally opened for its second season
recently. Dr. Charles A. Eastman, a full-blooded Sioux Indian, who is to direct the
camp this season, was presented to the boys. Dr. Eastman was a Government surgeon in
South Dakota in the days of the ghost dance uprising, but for the past fifteen years
has been devoting his time to writing and lecturing. He spoke to the boys as follows:
"I want you to know nature as the Indian knows it. I want to help you to learn of the
birds, animals, trees, and wild flowers. I want to prove to you that if you treat nature
right, nature will treat you right, for you are a part of nature."

-Washington Star.

Read more about Archibald Butt:

National Capital Area Boy Scouts: Segregated Camp, Banneker

Adding African-American Boy Scouts was actually an early issue for NCAC, black only Troops formed in DC, they started a camp in Montgomery County, and the patches are quite rare:




Tuesday, August 6, 2013

And the NCAC Camporees, 1947 to 1959...anyone have 1954 or 1958.







What's up for today!  1950's Amangamek pin, Vigil honor?  A couple have shown up on eBay, what exactly are these?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

And the 20th Anniversary Flap, 1972, sold by pre-order only, $5 each

Let's see, today we've jumped ahead a bit, 1968 Lodge Back patch